Healthy Foods That Are High in Calories

Healthy Foods That Are High in Calories


The majority of people place a high value on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But it’s important to note that the foods that are beneficial for us aren’t always the ones that are the highest in terms of calorie content. People who are trying to put on weight, grow muscle, or just increase the amount of calories they take in on a daily basis may encounter difficulties as a result of this. In this article, we will take a look at some healthy foods that are high in calories. The meals that are among the most calorie-dense and healthy options that can assist you in achieving your health and fitness objectives. Please check our blogs about foods with high Protein , Super foods and Iron.


Nuts and Seeds


Nuts and seeds are healthy foods high but high in calories. A modest handful of almonds, for example, has more than 160 calories, whereas a tablespoon of chia seeds has 60. These foods are also abundant in healthy fats, protein, and fiber, making them an excellent choice for anyone trying to up their caloric intake. Almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are among the best choices.


Dried Fruit


Anyone who is interested in increasing their calorie intake can also benefit greatly from the consumption of dried fruit. You can get a quick surge of energy from dried fruits like raisins, dates, and apricots since they have a high concentration of the naturally occurring sugars. They also include vitamins and minerals that are necessary for maintaining a healthy body. Including as the antioxidant vitamin C, the mineral potassium, and the macronutrient iron. However, it is essential to keep in mind that dried fruits are also high in sugar, and as a result, only a moderate amount of these fruits should be ingested.




Avocados are another item that are heavy in calories and include lipids that are good for you. About 250 calories can be found in an avocado of a medium size. The majority of which are derived from heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. In addition to being a rich source of calories, avocados are also an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Which makes them a fantastic option for anyone who is interested in increasing their calorie consumption while still adhering to the guidelines of a balanced diet.


Coconut Oil


Anyone who is interested in increasing their calorie consumption should consider using coconut oil as one of their options. MCTs are a type of fatty acid that are readily transformed into usable forms of energy by the body. Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are abundant in coconut oil. Because of its high caloric content (around 120 per tablespoon), coconut oil is a fantastic ingredient for use in smoothies, baking dishes, or even just as a replacement for other oils in cooking.


Whole Grains


Another meal that can assist you in increasing the amount of calories you consume every day is whole grains. All three of these foods, brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread, include a significant number of calories and are also rich in fiber, vitamin, and mineral content. Because eating whole grains can help you feel full longer and give you a greater sense of satisfaction. They are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to boost their calorie consumption while still adhering to healthy dietary guidelines.


High-Calorie Smoothies


If you’re having trouble eating three square meals a day, replacing one of those meals with a smoothie can help you meet your daily caloric needs. You may simply increase the amount of calories contained in your smoothie by including things like nut butters, whole milk, and avocado in its composition. Anyone who is interested in increasing their calorie consumption but would prefer to avoid the inconvenience of consuming large, laborious meals may find that this solution is an excellent option.




In conclusion, there is a wide variety of nutritious food that also happens to be rich in calorie content. You may easily attain your health and fitness goals by increasing your caloric intake and eating more of these foods. Which you can do by introducing them into your diet. It is imperative that you always eat in moderation. You should ensure that your diet contains an adequate amount of lean meats, fruits, and vegetables.


Disclaimer: The content on this blog is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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